Biology of Ecosystems: Botany for Gardeners (M2)

Biology of Ecosystems: Botany for Gardeners (M2)
Initial assignment asked to:
In this module, we will discuss Botany for Gardeners and our supplementary readings of Where Our Food Comes From by Gary Nabhan. (The assigned pages are available for free online through GoogleBooks.)
Take some time to reflect on the attributes and roles of soil. Click here for an informative and fun link about soil . Start with the section on the differences between dirt and soil. Click on “Name That Soil ” to help you determine what kind of soil you have in your yard or neighborhood. Then go to “Field Guide.” What do you think you might find in your soil? Depending on the season, scoop up a handful of soil and carefully examine it (if possible, use a hand lens).
• How do life and death intersect in the soil? Is soil alive – or dead?
• Discuss what types of plants grow best in what kinds of soils.
• Include the advantages and disadvantages to certain types of soil. For example, drainage can be a problem in clay soils; give ideas on how you would solve such a problem.
Also consider your reading of Where Our Food Comes From by Gary Nabhan.:
• What was it about the saved seeds that lead the the staff and scientists risk their lives to guard them from the Nazis.
• Is there work pertinent to our world today? How?

READ ALSO :   3 page paper