
What is ‘bootstrapping? Explain ways in which new businesses might use bootstrapping to minimise their start-up costs

The essay should draw on the academic literature and illustrated with examples

Include 20 references

Font: Times New Roman
Size: 12
Spacing: Double
References: Harvard Style

Some useful readings:
• Bhide A V (1992) Bootstrap finance: the art of start-ups, Harvard Business Review 70, 109-117.
• Winborg J and Landstrom H (2001) Financial bootstrapping in small businesses: examining small business managers’ resource

acquisition behaviors, Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 235-254
• Harrison, R T, Mason, C M and Girling, P (2004) ‘Financial bootstrapping and venture development in the software industry’,

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16, 307-333
• Ebben, J and Johnson, A (2006) Bootstrapping in small firms: an empirical analysis of change over time, Journal of Business

Venturing, 21 (6) 851-865
• Brush, C G, Carter, N M, Gatewood, E J, Greene, P G and Hart, M M (2006) The use of bootstrapping by women entrepreneurs in

positioning for growth, Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance, 8 (1) 15-31
• Carter, R B and van Auken, H (2005) Bootstrapping financing and owner perceptions of their business constraints on opportunities,

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 17 (2), 129-144
• Van Auken, H (2004) Differences in the usage of bootstrapping amongst technology-based vs. non-technology-based firms, Journal of

Small Business Management, 43 (1), 93-103.
Bhide A V (1992) Bootstrap finance: the art of start-ups, Harvard Business Review 70, 109-117.
• Winborg J and Landstrom H (2001) Financial bootstrapping in small businesses: examining small business managers’ resource

acquisition behaviors, Journal of Business Venturing, 16, 235-254
• Harrison, R T, Mason, C M and Girling, P (2004) ‘Financial bootstrapping and venture development in the software industry’,

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Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16, 307-333
• Ebben, J and Johnson, A (2006) Bootstrapping in small firms: an empirical analysis of change over time, Journal of Business

Venturing, 21 (6) 851-865
• Brush, C G, Carter, N M, Gatewood, E J, Greene, P G and Hart, M M (2006) The use of bootstrapping by women entrepreneurs in

positioning for growth, Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance, 8 (1) 15-31
• Carter, R B and van Auken, H (2005) Bootstrapping financing and owner perceptions of their business constraints on opportunities,

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 17 (2), 129-144
• Van Auken, H (2004) Differences in the usage of bootstrapping amongst technology-based vs. non-technology-based firms, Journal of

Small Business Management, 43 (1), 93-103.
• Tom Vanacker , T, Manigart, S, Meuleman, M and Sels, L (2011) A longitudinal study on the relationship between financial

bootstrapping and new venture growth, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 23 (9-10), 681-705
• Malmström, M (2014) Typologies of bootstrap financing behavior in small ventures, Venture Capital, 16:1, 27-50
• Mac an Bhaird, C & Theo Lynn, T (2015) Seeding the cloud: financial bootstrapping in the computer software sector, Venture

Capital, 17:1-2, 151-170,