
‘Successful event organisation is, invariably, a case of anticipating potential problems and opportunities, as well as maximising the effectiveness of your resources.’
Critically analyse how far this statement goes in summing up the necessary skills needed by an event manager in running a large event. In answering the question you must draw on event management good practice, as identified in academic sources, as well as your own observations of event organisation.

Reading Lists:
Bowdin, G et al (2012) 3rd Edition Events Management B.Heinemann Oxford
Goldblatt, J.J (2011) Special Events “ “
Getz, D (2007) Event Studies:Theory ….. “ “
O’Toole W (2011) Events, Feasibility &…. “ “
Silvers J.R (2008) Risk Management for.. “ “
Tum, Julia (2005) Management of Event Ops “ “
Tarlow P (2008) Event Risk Mgt & Safety Wiley, New York
Raj, R (2013) Events Management P&P Sage London
Van Der Wagen (2006) HRM for Events Routledge Oxon
Ferdinand, N & Kitchin, P ((2012) Events Mgt, International Appr.Sage London
Shone and Parry (2013) 4th ed Successful Event Mgt Cengage Andover
Blade, C; Kennell,J (2012) Events Management Routledge London

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