

The conference is on business and have attouched a copy of what the conference is all about to give you a crew.
The BE-ci International Conference on Business & Economics, organized by the Future Academy will take place from 5th June to 7th June 2017 at the BIBS – College in Brno, Czech Republic. The conference will cover areas like Virtual posters abstracts can be read in the formal online program and in the conference proceedings. Your organization will gain national and international exposure among virtual poster presenters throughout the world. Any visitor of the conference website, virtual poster presenters and visitors at the exhibition center tes can review all virtual posters. The Conference Exchange will create a certificate, suitable for framing, acknowledging and documenting a conference presentation. Presenters can incorporate that certificate into their professional documentation. Protection of intellectual property rights has been an emphasis of the technology development from the beginning, and many measures are in place to protect the author work. These are the following information needed( 1)- submision type poster presentation submision or virtual presentation submision.
(2)-Author (s) information eg names,adress,emai,etcetera
(3)-Titie: highschool graduated
(6)- email
Submission Details
(1)- Titie of paper ( words limit 12)
(2)-problem statement:(word’s limit 30)
(3)-Research Questions ( words limit 30 sentences 2)
(4)-purpose of the study (words limit 50)
(5)-Research methods ( words limit 60)
(7)- findings ( words limit 60)
(8)- conclusion ( words limit 60)
(9)-key words (words limit 6)



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