(This extract does not replace the assessment in the module guide. Please refer to that for further detail, guidance on queries, etc.)


(1) Analysis of the nature of the group business model, and of the collective cognitive and problem-solving processes experienced:

a. Plot the group business model innovation onVerganti’s matrix (see below) and consider:
i. Is the business model innovation essentially radical or incremental
ii. Is this innovaton driven by “technology push”, “market pull”, or by “design” (re-thinking of user experience).

b. Provide an explanation of why your group process led to the type of innovation mapped above? Reflect on how they relate to
i. your individual VIEW psychometric report
ii. your group VIEW profile
iii. the SOQ climateoverview instrument issued in class
(2) Critically evaluate the new business model:

a. Create and analyse a dynamic systems diagram showing the relationships between:
i. key elements of the business model interacting with
ii. key elements of the business concept value proposition
iii. and the critical success factors that allow the business model to deliver (or fail to deliver…) that value proposition.
The diagram should, then,allow you to simultaneously analyse and evaluate the coherence of both:
i. the business model in delivering the value proposition to potential customers (attracting customers, adding value and enhancing user experience)
ii. the business model’s internal system in adding that value
b. Analyse the way competitors might react to the business model, and how robust the business model would be withstanding that reaction.
You must reference tools of business and competitive strategy from your prior studies


a. Required Appendices – unmarked but must be submitted:
i. The group scenario report for Submission 1 (update if necessary)
ii. The group contribution statement (to end week 8)
iii. A summary of team business model conceptand value proposition (one page) – if group scenario revised describe new scenario here
iv. The team new business model “canvas” (ensure legibility)
v. Individual confirmation of completion of online module evaluation

b. Allowed Appendices – unmarked and optional
Material (diagrams, data, etc.) which support the analysis and evaluation.
Marks? – 85% of the module marks
When? – By 2400 GMT Thursday May 7th
Where? – U51071 VLE on Brookes Virtual – one file or zipped folder
Structure and Format? – Portfolio of related tasks
• Section (1a) – 200 words
• Section (1b) – 600 words
• Section (2a) & (2b) – 1400 words
• Allowed Appendices – 12 pages of A4 equivalent
• Exclude reference lists, appendices, ec.


Feedback on U51071 is normally delivered as an audio report through the VLE dropbox. As this assignment is structured as a portfolio, and following best practice for audio feedback, the marker will usually discuss the assignment section by section. They will, however, consider your work against, inter alia, these generic criteria (see module guide for descriptions):

 The task scope and focus of the response

 The nature, quality and range of research and sources

 Knowledge & understanding of course concepts

 Analysis and application of course concepts

 Argument, synthesis and evaluative conclusion

 Structure, organization, and presentation

 Adequacy of referencing


 References and Sources: Follow the business school’s rules on referencing and acknowledging sources. Coursework which fails to meet these requirements will be penalized or referred to the Academic Conduct Officer
 Individual Work: This is an individual assignment, drawing on knowledge originally created by your project team. All assignments from a project team will be marked by a single marker to ensure there is no inappropriate collaboration or collusion on the individual assignment beyond the project team brief. Any students whose assignments are not created individually will be penalized or referred to the Academic Conduct Officer

Presentation formats?
Your primary presentation goals should be to make the piece easy to follow, and make messages clear. The variety of formats in the portfolio make precise guidance more difficult, but in general the following should guide your submissions:
 Text-based sections of the assignment should be presentedin 11 font Arial and double spaced
 All pages must be numbered
 The assignment must be presented with an assignment statement of originality that is signed, have a front cover showing the programme title, module number and name, title of the assignment, name of the person submitting the work, student number and submission date
 Margins for text-based sections should be as follows: Top: 1 inch, Bottom: 1 inch (2.5 cm), Left: 1.25 inches, Right: 1.25 inches (3.2 cm)