Conduct your Play Project

Part 1 –
Part 1
Conduct your Play Project
Assessment task 2B involves implementing your Plan from Assignment 2A by conducting a project in your context where you critically examine play as a tool for learning,

the environment, the role of adult, sociocultural teaching and learning, and advocacy. This project focuses on your thinking and learning as an educator.
1). First, follow your Plan and conduct your Play Project. Conducting the play project constitutes the Professional Practice that is a component of this unit.
2). A consent letter from your supervisor stating when you have completed the play project is needed (they do not have to evaluate it). Please attach this as an

appendix to your assignment.

Part 2 – Create a digital response
Part 2
Create your digital response

Upload for assessment a digital response of your Play Project for a particular audience which includes advocating for play as a tool for learning and as the leading

activity for young children’s learning and development.
The digital response is evidence and sharing of what you did.
The format and type of media of your digital response is open-ended, however, do include (with references to readings/unit material):

1.documentation of the process and an analysis of this experience in relation to:
– play as a tool for learning;
– the environment;
– the role of adult;
– socio/cultural teaching and learning (including application of Vygotskian concepts)
– advocacy

2). the learnings, the surprises, the challenges
3). critical reflective examination of your role/s
4). what will you do as a consequence of what you have learned and experienced


Ensure your response shows the inclusion of the input from and/or voices of colleagues, families, children and other important community members

Shows a clear purpose to advocate for a particular audience – some examples may be:
•    for change
•    for funding
•    for children’s rights
•    for ECE educator professionalism
Examples of a Digital response
Examples for your digital response include (but certainly not limited to):

•    an edited video produced for new families or as training/professional learning for staff;

•    a special edition of a newsletter for your centre’s community;

•    a presentation for colleagues and/or the community which may be presented in PowerPoint;

•    photo/video documentation of a hands on workshop for staff/community on an aspect of play;

•    a blog that allows comments from families and staff…

** Images need to be resized so that your document is not too big for eSubmitting. Please look at YouTube for tutorials that are relevant for your particular software.
** Ensure you have the permission of all children in photos being used in the digital response

Peer Support and Submit for marking
Support one another
** As you work on your Play Project, continue to engage in online discussion.

Your peers are available to listen, to assist with theoretical, philosophical and practical ideas.

Your peers will need YOU TOO during this time to talk about, and think through play at a deeper conceptual level.