Critical Essay

1. Select a topic from one of the three domains of everyday culture listed below.
0 A genre of popular music that you are familiar with (country and western, rock, blues, hip-hop, rap, etc.)
0 A recreational activity that you are regularly involved in (either as a participant or as a spectator, i.e. “fan”)
0 A reality television program that you have access to and that interests you
0 One of the new social media (e.g. Twitter or Facebook)
2. Discuss your choice in a critical essay that explores questions such as:
0 Whether or not it targets a particular audience or reflects the values of a subcultural community
0 The kinds of identities participants, consumers, or audience members to invited to assume.
0 To what extent it reinforces the mainstream culture and/or to what (if any) extent it challenges the status quo.
Please base your response on library research into your specific topic of choice as well as on the course materials.
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