Do you think the violence we witness during armed conflict is linked to wider systems of unequal power relations, including systems of gender inequality?

Use this reference to help you answer the question.

Baaz, Maria Eriksson and Maria Stern (2009) “Why do

Soldiers Rape? Masculinity, Violence and Sexuality in the Armed Forces in the Congo,”lnternational Studies Quarterly 53,


US President Trump recently tweeted thattransgender people will no

longer serve in the US military. What might military culture have to do with this decision?
More generally, why do some people find the

idea of transgender unsettling? What se x-gender assumptions doestransgender call into question?

Your point of view – (Use this

reference to help you answer the question.)

Segal, MT. and EN. Chow (2011) “Analyzing Gender, lntersectionality, and Inequality in

Global,Transnational and Local Contexts”, in Analyzing Gender, lntersectionality, and Multiple Inequalities: Global,Transnational and P
Local Contexts, edited by Segal, MT. and EN. Chow. Published online: 08 Mar 2015; pp.

How does the gendered body intersect with other social relations (class,

ethnicity, ‘race , etc.) in Arlie Hochschild’s article?

Use this reference to help you answer the question.


(2011) “Emotional Life on the Market Frontier”, Annual Review of Sociology2011.

How did the intersections of gender, ‘race’ and ethnicity

shape social reproduction and exploitation in slave labour according to Anderson’s review?

Use this reference to help you answer the


Anderson, Brid7get (200oLThe Legacy of Slavery: The American South and Contemporary Domestic Workers, in Anderson, B., Doing

the Dirty Work. The Glo al Politics of Domestic Labour, Zed Books.

What does

Cooper’stext suggestto you about changes in the gendering of labour markets and workplaces?

Use this reference to help answer your

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Cooper, Marianne. “Being the “Go-to Guy”: Fatherhood, Masculinity, and the Organization of Work in Silicon Valley.” [In

English]. Qualitative Sociology 23, no. 4 (Dec 2000): 379-405. i
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