

The role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) regulation in encourage FDI and Technology transfer in Pharmaceutical industry: The case of Saudi Arabia

The provisional title is

The role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) regulation in encourage FDI and Technology transfer in Pharmaceutical industry: The case of Saudi Arabia

I met 28 participants from different stakeholders in Saudi pharmaceutical industry ( managers)

The answers for the interviews questions represent three different visions:
1- Regulatory views (Authorities, Ministries)
2- Domestic views (pharmaceutical national firms and committees)
3- International companies views (Pharmaceutical foreign firms and committees).
after the analysis process I need the 12000 words as discussion of the results.
The purpose

This research thesis seeks to discover whether the international regulatory regime, which based on the theoretical principles of free trade and applied to the international trade relations of KSA, interacts in any manner with the pharmaceutical industry’s trends. The outcome of this study also will ascertain if the current IPRs regulations in Saudi Arabia encourage FDI and Technology transfer expansion. To achieve this aim a qualitative approach will apply in the study by using semi-structured interviews to explore the perceptions, administrative barriers and import penetration trends within Saudi pharmaceutical sector from the viewpoint of the industry and the Saudi health officials.

also here from my supervisor

1.3. Research Purpose

The overall aim of the research is to link conceptually the performance of the pharmaceutical industry in Saudi Arabia with the purported compatibility of the domestic regulatory regime with international norms relevant to foreign direct investment.
1.4. Hypothesis

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The hypothesis of the thesis is that there is a direct connection between the IPRs regulation of pharmaceutical products in KSA and foreign investment trends in pharmaceuticals and indigenous sectoral expansion.
It means looking deeply to answers to come up with clear themes through coding process and writing all that as a discussion.

research questions and hypothesis will defend sharply from the interviews answers at the end