Ethics Standards/ Case Study 1


2. Review and respond to the following case studies within the context of the codes of ethics:

a. Case Study 1: You are a new early childhood special education teacher in a selfcontained classroom and notice that one of your

students consistently comes to school in the morning with dirty clothes, body odor, and suspicious bruises on his arms. According to the

ethics codes and district faculty policies, what should be your plan of action for addressing this issue?

(AP b.6, 2.b./FPEC 6.1, 6.3/InTASC 9f.p, 9j.k, 9o.d)
Use the websites below, or review your state and district policies as a basis for
developing your plan of action, noting references to state and/or district policies as
EP 5265 Page 12 of 31 Revised May 2014
Florida Department of Education, Office of Professional Practices Reporting Misconduct
and Abuse
The 2013 Florida Statutes
K-20 Education Code, Chapter 1006 , Support For Learning
1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy.
§ 1006.061, Florida Statutes – Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy
The 2013 Florida Statutes
Chapter 39, Proceedings Relating to Children
39.201 Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; mandatory reports
of death; central abuse hotline (Mandated Reporters of child abuse as defined by Florida
Statute 39.201)

5. Reflect on the application of this case study to your school responsibilities. What must you
do to avoid this type of professional and ethical conflict in the future (AP b.6., 2.e./InTASC
9e.p, 9i.k, 9m.d)?
6. Identify and describe three additional resources for use by those in your profession who wish
to avoid professional and ethical conflicts Ethics (AP b.6., 2.f./InTASC 9e.p, 9i.k, 9m.d).
7-Describe the consequences of the teachers’ unethical practices in the selected case study (AP
The candidate described an appropriate plan of action to correct the behavior described in the
case study and provided additional plans of action.

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