Facebook – Course Work

Facebook – Course Work

Respond to three students regarding their papers.

Students were required to go to a company (of their choice) website and look at the company’s annual report (10k). Students could also go to the Securities Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database and download the annual report. Next, students were required to review the annual report, paying particular attention to the financial statements and the notes to the financial statements. In each student’s paper, they were to answer the following:

1) How are their financial statements similar and different from those presented in the text (Hicks, 2014, Accounting for Rest of Us 14th, Synergistics Inc, ISBN 1-934748-09-9)?

2) Describe the differences, if any, and explain why you believe the differences exist.

3) As a potential investor, what areas do you think you should be most concerned with, if any, based upon the notes?

4) Assuming you had unlimited funds, would this be a company you would invest in? Why or why not?

Your Job:

Your job is to reply to three students papers. Their papers are uploaded as DL, GA, and SS (three separate papers) regarding the company each student selected. Each reply must expound on the student’s paper, providing a substantive response that enhances the discussion. Each reply must contain at least 2 citations from a peer-reviewed journal within the last four years, 1 from the textbook (ISBN 1-934748-09-9), and one from the Holy Bible and/or Bible commentary. When I talk about substantive replies, I am looking for you to add to the posting. Do not simply agree or disagree. Ensure your major points are supported by the following: • reading & study materials; • pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples; • thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts.

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Citations must be in current APA format (including headings). You must use proper spelling and grammar. The word count for the replies are as follows:

225 for DL and GA replies; and
100 for SS reply.

There are three replies needed (one per student paper) so the total word count is 525 (not including references). See attachment for student replies (DL, GA, and SS). Also use at least one scripture from the Holy for each student’s paper as a reference.

Important: Label your paper with the student initials that you are responding to. For example, if you are responding to DL paper then write “this response is for DL”. In addition, each response to each student paper must have their own references. Do not combine all the references for all students at the end of the paper. Place the appropriate references under the applicable student’s response.

Use APA format and include proper headings and the following must be addressed to the highest standard.

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