Management case study

Management case study

The Northeastern Airlines case study on page 358 of the textbook is the case study. Your assignment is to utilize Microsoft Excel, analyze the problem, solve the problem (Hints: See section 9.7 of the textbook and Google “maximal spanning tree”), and submit a written report on your recommendation(s). For your report you’ll need to answer the two questions at the end of the case study as well as specifically consider the reliability of your Excel model (i.e., include a section in your case study report entitled: “Reliability of Excel Model”). Your report will be a professional written report between 6 and 8 pages long and will include a professional grade, one page, executive summary memo. The file format shall be Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat only. The ability to analyze, assess, and solve problems and then communicate possible solutions effectively in a professional setting is a necessary (and marketable) skill.

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