None: Popular Sovereignty

92. None: Popular Sovereignty

1.Name 2 key weaknesses of the Articles of confederation which led to the framing of the constitution. Discuss the 5 fundamental principles of the Constitution.(half page)
1.Popular sovereignty, or control by the people.
2.A republican government in which the people choose representatives to make decisions for them.
3.Limited government with written laws, in contrast to the powerful British government against which the the colonists had rebelled.
4.Separation of power, with checks and balances among branches to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power.
5.A federal system that allows for state\’ rights, because the state feared too much centralized control.
2.Discuss the distinctive characteristics that shape the way we view Civil Rights in comparison to civil Liberties. Give some examples Civil Liberties. Discuss events,reforms, or people that helped define the Civil Rights Movement. Be specific.(half page)