Offshore Steam generation for SAGD for heavy oil enhanced recovery

Offshore Steam generation for SAGD for heavy oil enhanced recovery
Topic Tasks
Fold of increase • Determine how much FOI do I want to make SAGD economical offshore? (Analysis based on current oil price and NPV)
Viscosity • Determine how much viscosity reduction is needed to get the FOI
Horizontal well models • Identifying various horizontal well models (qbeforeis single phase qafter is two phase)and calculating the FOI using the µ0&µnew
Temperature down hole • Determine how much temperature should I increase to get the desired viscosity without effecting the rock matrix or cracking the oil
Heat transfer analysis • Carry out heat transfer analysis. Determine what is the quality & quantity of steam needed to increase the desired reservoir temperature. Determining temperature profile when steam is injected
Offtake analysis • Determine the offtake analysis, heat transfer in completions; temperature profile when reservoir fluids are produced.
Steam parameters on surface • Determine what should be the steam parameters (how much steam needs to be produced on surface) on surface to achieve the desired downhole parameters.
Steam generation process • Identify the various steam generation processes
Water calculations • Determine how much water is needed to generate the steam
Water generation • Determine how do I generate this amount of water offshore
Facilities • Determine what are the process facilities needed for steam generation and water generation
• Dissertation writing

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