Persuasion Speeches 100 points (5-7 minutes long)

39. Persuasion Speeches 100 points (5-7 minutes long)

1. Your general purpose is to persuade: to convince the share holders of Mooty Communications to change a policy, invest in a company, make a significant purchase, or to donate a significant portion of money to a charitable cause. You may wish to use the same concept from your Informative to then persuade your share holders to adopt this new policy.
2. We will discuss your topics, because no duplicates will be allowed.
3. Speech must be presented extemporaneously from a well-constructed keyword outline. If you proceed to read your speech, you will lose 10 points.
4. Requirements include:
• Prepare your speech/outline using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence.
• The Attention step gains the audience’s attention and you establish your credibility.
• Transition to the body of the speech: establish the Need (WIIFT), transition to the Satisfaction, and transition to Visualization (imagine the consequences of either doing or not doing this project). Transition to Action.
• The Action step moves the audience to action in that they agree to your position. Leave the audience with the action you want them to take.
• Prepare a typed key word speaking outline. It needs to only be ONE page, front and back. It needs to include your title, specific purpose statement, audience, and the five steps of the MMS. See handout. You will not be allowed to present your speech if you omit this step.
• You must have a visual aid using PowerPoint or Prezi. This needs to be at least five effective slides—the title page is not considered one of the slides. Do NOT list the MMS steps or place those steps on your PP.
• Additionally, make sure you are not reading or looking at your slides/notes. You will lose points for poor eye contact. Rehearse your presentation so that you have eye contact with your audience.
• Bring flash drive.
5. Research component:
• You need two different credible sources for this speech (10 points). Cite them in your speech or you will lose 5 points each! You must type all of your oral citations in your outline. That is the only full sentence permitted.
• Provide print copies of the internet sources that you used. Print the pages of the material that you are citing. Remember, both paraphrases, summaries and quotes must be documented in the outline and in the delivery of your speech.
• Prepare a correct APA Reference page. DO NOT PUT THE REFERENCE PAGE ON YOUR PP.
6. View your presentation and assess your performance. Take notes as to the effectiveness of your use of the steps. Bring your typed evaluation notes to the next class. You are turning them in. (5 points).
rev 2/14
Persuasive Speech Rubric: 100 Points 5-7 minutes
Item Points
Possible Points
Earned Comments
Proper MMS Outline 10
Credibility 5
Oral Citations 10
Reference page 10
Transitions 5
Eye Contact: looking at PP/notes 10
Language: slang, filler, ums, ahs, pronunciation 10
Voice: volume and
rate 5
Enthusiasm/smiling 5
Body movement 5
PowerPoint: requirements, using/loading 10
Self Assessment 5
Time 10
also we have to use Monroe’s motivated sequences outline format.
Keyword Outline Example
A keyword outline is used when giving a speech or presentation. It includes the main ideas of what is to be communicated in a manner that is much shorter than the actual word-for-word speech. The keywords form the skeleton or outline of a speech, and serve to remind the speaker of his ideas in the correct order he wants to present them. Keyword outlines can be written on index cards or on a regular sheet of paper. An example of a keyword outline follows.
Why Volunteer?
Audience: Peers and Instructor
Purpose Statement: Inform the audience on the importance of Volunteering in our community
I. Grabber: quote
A. WIIFT : benefits
B. Credibility : research/statistics
C. Preview : why care?
Transition: Now we know
I Benefits others
A. Immediate result
B. Benefits self
C. Social impact
II. Startling current statistics
A. Hunger: local community needs
B. Homelessness: children
C. Domestic violence
Transition: What now?
III. Who is helping?
A. Soup kitchens
B. Shelters
C. Community volunteers
Transition: What can you do?
I. Review and memorable statement
A. Benefits/social and personal
B. Places to volunteer
C. Quote

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