Professional Development: Teaching & Learning

Professional Development: Teaching & Learning

Write a 750 – 1000 word essay on an educational model, constructs of a learner, and self-reflection.
1. Choose an educational model – (Please use the Andragogy (adult learning) model)
2. What are the underlying assumptions relating to this model. How is it used most effectively?
3. Reflect on initial constructs as a teacher within the framework of the chosen educational model. What are the constructs (attitudes, personal assumptions, beliefs) in relation to the model? Do these attitudes influence how the model will be used?
4. Specifically reflect on an individual’s need as a learner. Utilising the andragogy model what are an individual’s learning needs within this model
5. Look at how the model is used and its limitations / applications
6. Explore how my nursing practice is guided by educational models
7. Justify these by integrating supportive literature

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