Trauma and PoWning

a 10-year-old boy began choking on a small 1, and was rushed from the amusement park to the emergency- icRex b 5.96. While running, trachea just past the i y de al)00, ace of latex balloon larynxand threiDeartrnerint, The balloon is lodged in the t,re piece through flexiblecfabrefullY renlOvenjtlg t Obstruct his breathing. The 1 eroptic ,.., eci f,._ o following a the trachea by use of biopsy . administration of topicasl anesthesia service in addition to the 1°’rYngos’, des are reported for this –e ED visit L:ope Which co
code,) ICD-9-CM Code(s): a. 934.0, E912, E000.8, E849•4, 31577 b. 934.0, E912, E849.4, 31511 c. 784.99. E912, E000.8, E849.4, 31530 d. 933.1, 31577 1CD-10-CM Code(s):

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