12 Why Some Organizations Are More Successful At Establishing And Maintaining Client Commitment?

12 Why Some Organizations Are More Successful At Establishing And Maintaining Client Commitment?

answer this main question by answering first these question :

1- what is the different between customer and client definition? (mention some different that is related to social enterprise for example: client is more used in social enterprise)

2- What is the different between social enterprise and commercial enterprise?

3- “Main concept” what are the differences and similarities between customer commitment and client commitment? (Definition – characteristics – factors – establish process – maintain process – type of organizations – marketing strategies …. etc)
[Draw a table that summary all the points are discussed under this question at the beginning or the end of it]

3- Why are some organizations are more successful at establishing and maintaining client commitment? (This part is the result part, so use the answer from the previous questions to answer them such as: the strength points that client commitment has in the previous analysis. Also, tell what kind of organizations, in which this marketing strategy (client commitment) successfully works the most. So, its between this marketing strategy and the organization characteristic and maybe other factors)

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