3.Reflect on Each CMA

3.Reflect on Each CMA

For each CMA: copy the results into the End of Course subsection of the Reflections on Mathematics section of your Assignment and write between 1 to 6 paragraphs reflecting on your performance

Task 2 Interpretation of a Graph
Section 2, The health of Australians – an overview

Complete the following:
• Choose a graph. Read the context around the graph to gain an understanding about why the graph was included and what it means.
• Copy and paste graph from the article to the Interpretation of a Graph section of your Assignment 3 Word document.
• Create an automatically created bulleted list below the graph, similar to the following:
• Title:
• Labels:
• Units:
• Scale:
• Identify the title, labels, units and scale for your graph, and add this information next to the appropriate bullet point. Exercise 6.2 Graph Features provides an example that demonstrates this.
• Pick two key points (physical places in the graph) and write at least two sentences interpreting these points. Add this below the bulleted list. Exercise 6.2 Graph Features and Exercise 6.5 Trend Graph Interpretation provide examples of how to do this.
• Answer the following questions in an automatically created numbered list:
1. How was this graph linked to the body of the article? Quote a specific part of the article to demonstrate this
2. Was the information clear and easy to interpret? Explain your answer with reference to the graph.
Example 6.2 Incidence of Cancer may help you with this task

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