Business Consulting/Marketing-

Get Connected! is a new online business networking portal and they are now entering their second stage of growth and activity to develop their service offering and attracting new members, which will in turn attract advertisers and sponsorship.

Project Scope
Get Connected! is looking to invest in the growth of their business long-term and as part of their development phase of research they are keen to engage in a consultancy project to research, identify and recommend business and marketing strategies/approach. To include:

a) Methods and strategies for attracting free membership to an online business networking portal that has a global presence.

The project would need to include:
• What are the key countries that utilise business networks?
• What are the differences with the way in which business networking individuals vary from country to country
• What are the reasons for utilising online social and business networking sites?
• How and why should Get Connected! communications vary country to country?
• What are the most effective ways of attracting free memberships on a global basis
• How can Get Connected! stand apart from competitors
• What is needed to make users interact
• What methods / strategies / structures are required to give the site ‘the stickability factor’

You are a consulting company and would like to pitch for this business. Prepare a proposal highlighting to Get Connected! how you will approach this issue and role play the initial client – consultant conversation when you present this proposal to the CEO.

Your approach/proposal should include: (Note that you do not need to actually carry out the research but only the description of the process of consulting is required here)

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a. A brief description of the issue under investigation – What is the research question here? What are the key measures or the key variables here?

b. The key sources of secondary research and an evaluation of their contribution to the study

c. The methods of collecting quantitative and qualitative data and their relative strengths and weaknesses for this study

d. An analysis of good practice in relation to this issue – What are the market leaders doing to prevent these issues?

e. Discuss how the findings of this study will be presented to the CEO – Include some formats of visual presentation (bar graphs, pie charts, line graph, tables, opinions)