Changing Geography of Energy Use and Co2 Emissions

Changing Geography of Energy Use and Co2 Emissions

Essay Paper
Changing Geography of Energy Use and Co2 Emissions

The goal of this assignment is to better understand the changing geography of energy consumption and the changing geography of oil and coal production and consumption specifically.  The assignment asks you to collect statistical data from an online database, analyse the trends in terms of changing geography of energy use and the implications for human society in climate, economic and/or political dimensions, and write an essay about your findings.


•    Your essay should be 800-900 words (3 pages), 1.5 spacing, and 11 pt font, 2.54 (1 inch) margins.
•    You will also include the tables or graphs showing changes in energy use by country as per the instructions below, plus a map.
•    Write in essay format. This means full sentences and paragraphs, and an introductory and concluding paragraph.
•    You do not need to include a title page as long as you include your name, student ID, and the date on the first page of the assignment (and your name and ID in the header or footer of subsequent pages).
•    Include page numbers on all pages.
•    Include the word count at the end of the essay.


1)    Gather information

•    Gather information on worldwide energy production and consumption, using data from ENERDATA Global Energy Statistical Yearbook 2013
o    find the information on the rate of world energy consumption growth in 2012 and how this compares to the average over the last decade.
o    Show in graph or table form the changes from 1990-2012 in the following indicators (use the data provided from 1990, 2000, and 2012 to create a table or graph):
?    change in total energy consumption by country for the top 10 consuming countries
?    change in CO2 emissions by country for the top 10 emitting countries
?    change in oil production and change in oil consumption by country
?    change in coal production and consumption by country
•    Pick one or two maps from the same site that show one of these indicators, to include in your essay.
2)    Analyse the data

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Look at the data you have gathered and determine:
•    which regions of the world (continents, countries) are growing in consumption of energy?  Which regions are reducing their demand?  (this shows you the changing geography of energy consumption)
•    what kinds of geographical changes are taking place in the production and consumption of oil?  and in relation to coal?
•    what kinds of geographical changes are taking place in the emission of Co2?
•    what are the overall trends worldwide in terms of energy use and Co2 emissions?

3)    Write an essay showing and discussing your findings
•    Describe / show the changing geography of energy consumption and production, and CO2 emissions, based on your findings.  What are the trends or significant changes taking place?
•    Discuss these findings relation to the issues in Chapter 4 of the textbook – what do these findings mean for political relations, economics, climate change and/or other environmental issues.  Pick two topics or issues to focus on in this discussion.
•    Do you think that innovations in technology will solve these issues?  Why or why not?

Don’t forget to include your tables / graphs and map with the essay when you hand it in.


You may use APA or MLA format for in-text citations and the reference list.  Be sure to look up information on HOW TO DO THESE FORMATS PROPERLY.  Proper referencing and reference list format will count toward your grade.

Produce a well written and structure report with proper Harvard referencing. The report should be comb bound and finished to a professional standard.

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