The Effect of test

The Effect of test

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Topic: The Effect of test

Inappropriate intervention planning is a serious potential of test misuse, and can happen as a result of incorrect test selection, inaccurate interpretation or incomplete contextual basis of test

use (APA, 1999). In order to appropriately assess test scores must be placed in the symptom severity and context of the individual being tested. Furthermore interpretation involves

understanding the basis of the test, construct being measured and the group the test was designed for.
Even if a test is appropriately selected the standardization protocol must be followed by the psychologist or else the test score is not valid (APA, 1999). Again the danger here is that the test

score can be an over or under-representation of a construct, such as intelligence or personality traits and this could lead to misdiagnosis or exclusion from programming as may be the case with

educational settings.
Effects of test misuse on population at large
Inappropriate test use could have the effect of discrediting psychological testing to the broader population. This could be the case for example if a test is released for use prior to validation

studies or inappropriate marketing by test producers (Anastasi & Urbani, 1997). This is a sinister issue as it could stand to decrease the use of accurate testing for those who do benefit. Test

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security must also be maintained in order to prevent test items from being reviewed by the general public and therefore lose meaning (APA, 1999). Adverse impact is a serious issue for groups

and occurs when test use causes selection of one group more favorably over another (Anastasi & Urbani, 1997). This can lead to discrimination of groups and cause unethical hiring or placement
