The aim of this laboratory

Question1: introduction (The aim of this laboratory is to introduce students to human temperature regulation measurement. We will compare the body’s response to exercise in a heated vs non-heated environment. We will also quantify the avenues of heat transfer using partitional calorimetry. This latter purpose will be achieved by calculating the components of the heat balance equation, using data collected from exercising subjects. This equation is derived from the first law of thermodynamics.

a. Describe observations of human temperature regulation measurement and compare the body’s response to exercise in a heated vs non-heated environment .

b. . Why would we expect to see a change in skin temperature occurring more rapidly than the core temperature?

c. How do MAP and fc respond to heat stress (compare your fire suit subject vs non fire suit subject)

d. If your results varied to expected outcomes, discuss reasons as to why this may have occurred. Include underlying physiological as well as practical concepts in your answers.

Each questions can be contained minimum 4 sentences at least .

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