Hitchhiker’s Guide to the galaxy

Name ___________________________________________________________________

Title of book ______________________________________________________________

Author ___________________________________________________________________


Literary Analysis!!!!!!!

Theory of Mind is what enables us to ‘put ourselves in another’s shoes.’ It is mindreading, empathy,  and the ability to imagine another’s perspective: in short, it is simultaneously a highly sophisticated ability and a very basic necessity for human communication. Theory of Mind is central to such commercial endeavors as market research and product development, but it is also just as important in maintaining human relations over a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly, reading literature hones these critical mindreading skills.

Now you are an authority on your book, I want you to show your thoughtful understanding of the book through the creation of a literary analysis.  In a literary analysis you examine or interpret an important feature in a story.  To help you write this Book Club analysis I’m going to give you that specific  feature to examine….


I want you to analyze how you were ‘put into another’s shoes’ from your reading experience and what big life lesson, ultimately,  you learned from it.

This doesn’t mean, literally,  just putting yourself in one character’s shoes  and writing about what they learned, but rather, as a fly on the wall, witnessing this story, what do you now understand about life/ humans and the way we behave? This doesn’t have to be a ‘positive’ life lesson either-just a lesson that leaves you wiser.

First, brainstorm the big life lesson you learned from reading this book…..(look at your motif notes)…these should lead you to a theme that can be massaged into a personalized life lesson…

Write your life lesson here. It will eventually be morphed into a thesis statement.

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Now, delve back into the book to find your evidence or justification for your thinking.

You will need to find at least three examples of when you built empathy by ‘putting yourself in another’s shoes’.

These may be concrete events that took place in the book but are more likely to be subtle (in-between the lines) occurrences that gently led you to your big life lesson.

Write one justification here.



Write another justification here.



Write another justification here.



Now it’s time to craft your essay. It’s much like making a dish from a recipe. First you need to have your measured, fresh ingredients (your thesis and examples) and then you need to follow the directions step by step to make your dish (literary analysis). If you do things out of order it won’t work and you will end up with a big confusing mess. If you try to copy and splice stuff from the internet (buy it from the store and claim you made it yourself)  it will be obviously too perfect and no-one will believe you and it will be practically impossible as this is such a personalized essay. It is way easier to just write it with your brain. Trust me.

When you have all your ingredients dialed-in begin by writing your introduction.




You will need an introductory paragraph with:

  • Some nice warm up sentences
  • The title and the author of the book
  • A brief summary of the book
  • A thesis statement

Then, compose the body of your essay.

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The body of your essay will consist of several paragraphs,


Each paragraph will:

  • Focus on one idea, that when read together as an essay, proves your thesis statement.
  • Have an introductory topic sentence (a mini thesis statement )
  • Have at least one direct quotation (per example) from the book.
  • Have an explanation of how your example proves your thesis.
  • Have a closing sentence that gently guides your reader to the next paragraph.

This is how you format a direct quotation from a book. You will have a paragraph and will be saying stuff with your words and when it’s time to add the quote, now looks good, you put a comma and then a quotation mark  and start the quote, “Like this.” You put your end punctuation inside the other quotation mark. This is what’s known as an embedded quote. You read them all the time without even knowing it. If I was to quote something from a book that I could attribute to a specific page, it would look like this: “Zoë is awesome (10).” Notice how I used a colon before embedding that quote. That works also.

The body of your analysis is plumped with your explanations (deep and thoughtful) of how and why you came to the conclusion you did about whatever you are analyzing.

Finally, write your conclusion.

The concluding paragraph of your essay will include:

  • A revisiting of your thesis statement
  • A thoughtful reflection of how the book fits into the greater scheme of things

Click HERE to see a sample high school literary analysis.

When your content is solid, start revising your essay to perfection….


Here are some overall analysis structure requirements:

  • Write it as though your audience doesn’t know anything about the book or this assignment.
  • Italicize or underline the title of the book-no quotation marks. Whatever you do be consistent with it throughout your paper.
  • In your introduction give a brief summary of the book (don’t give away the ending) in order for your reader to understand the context for your analysis.
  • Include the author’s name and when referring to the author for the rest of your paper use just the last name, like, if I had written a great novel, “Driver leads us to believe all of mankind is screwed.” It is.
  • Use appropriate literary terms throughout your paper.
  • Don’t use first person. You are the only person writing this paper. Instead of writing, “I think Driver was slowly losing her mind,” lose the training wheels and straight up write,   “Driver was slowly losing her mind.”
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When you believe your analysis is ready (or pretty darn close) to be called ‘final’ we will workshop it in class to make it as awesome as possible!

General essay requirements:

  • Name, date, class, upper left hand corner
  • Standard size font including title
  • 5 or double line spacing throughout
  • Left margined-not centered
  • Introductory paragraph that warms up the reader
  • Clear thesis statement
  • Paragraphs each have a clear focus
  • I’s are capitalized
  • Spell and grammar check by READING OUT LOUD
  • Your personality shows in your writing
  • Nice concluding paragraph
  • Minimum 4 pages in length
  • Workshopped by two other humans
  • Revised to the point it is ready for publication
  • Email through your A50 Google portal
