U.S. Constitution and Court System


Use the textbook to answer all questions. Answers must be complete, logical, thoughtful, supported by examples, and well written.
1. Briefly describe the general purpose of the U.S. Constitution. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 1.)
2. How does the Constitution grant authority to the government to regulate business? Give a specific example of how Congress has used the Commerce Clause to regulate business. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 1.)
3. What is the system of federalism? Explain how this system might create an unpredictable legal environment for businesses. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 2.)
4.What is the Bill of Rights? How does this document protect the rights of businesses and citizens in the U.S.? Give specific examples. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 3.)
Answer at least two (2) of the questions below. To answer these questions you may need to do some research online or at the library. Answers must be complete, logical, thoughtful, supported by examples, well written, and be at least 200 words in length. Cite your sources.
1. Under federal law, marijuana is a restricted substance just like cocaine or heroin. Yet, some states have passed laws that permit marijuana to be grown and sold, and/or used. Explain when and how the U.S. system of law allows state law to contradict federal law. Your answer must discuss the concepts of federalism and preemption. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 2.)
2. Even in states where medical marijuana is legal, many large private employers have company-wide policies that prohibit the hiring of anyone who tests positive for recent marijuana use. Is this legal? Explain. (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 3.)
3. San Francisco and Seattle recently raised passed laws to raise the minimum wage above the federal minimum wage. Is this permissible? Does this violate the supremacy clause? (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 2.)
4. May a baker refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple based on the baker’s religious beliefs? How does the Constitution help us answer this question? (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goals 1 & 3.)
5. According to the U.S. Constitution do transgender students have the right to choose which bathroom to use at school? Can a state pass a law restricting a transgender student’s right to choose which bathroom to use? (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goals 1 & 3.)
6. Some restaurants displays signs such as: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.” Or, “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” Is this legal? Or is this discrimination? (Completing this question will help you complete unit learning goal 3.)

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