
Here is the link of the video
And below is a list of discussion questions you need to answer. Please provide in-depth answer for each question.

Based on this video, what would be the effective strategies for increasing media coverage of women’s sport and for creating images which reflect the reality of women’s sport participation and why is it so important? And also what are your personal thoughts about the strategies? (10 pts)

Consider this hypothetical scenario. Suppose that your friend states that gender equity is strictly a women’s issue, and it has nothing to do with him. You want him to serve on a committee charged with promoting gender equity in your university and the surrounding community. What would you say to him to consider his position and agree to serve on your committee? (7 pts)

Consider this hypothetical scenario. One of your friend tells you that women have nothing to worry about because women’s sport participation/ women’s sport media coverage increases will continue to occur in the future. You agree that things do look much better than they did 40 years ago, but that there is still reason to be cautious about predicting continued increase in the future. How would you convince your friend that you are correct? (8 pts)



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