Frictions in the labor market


Find an interesting blog post that deals with one of the frictions in the labor market. It could be discussing the costs of moving, and why that makes people less likely to change jobs, or information costs in the labor market, or any other related friction. You could also successfully use a topic that explains how the employer’s monopsonistic power gained by those of us who find moving high-cost is reduced as college grads and wanderlusts happily move for better opportunities.

◦ Write a brief summary (250 words) of the blog entry you found and include a link to the post. Then, provide some analysis of the post. You may choose to agree or disagree with the original post, but you should point out why you found it interesting. Your post should incorporate some positive economic analysis.

◦You are free to find your initial blog post from any credible source. If you are unsure where to begin, you may find success with one of these economics blogs:

◦Marginal Revolution (Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

◦Freakonomics (Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

◦EconLog (Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.

◦Greg Mankiw’s Blog (Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.


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