Big 5 Personality traits analysis on book Divergent

Big 5 Personality traits analysis on book Divergent

Order Description

Analyze the book Divergent from the point of view of personality research on the Big 5 traits.

Paper should be a maximum of 1500 words with 1 inch margins and print set at 12 cpl. Please indicate word count on 1st page.

General Goal: It is not necessary to adopt a formal essay-writing style for this paper. However, it is important to show that you are integrating course material from the lectures, and the readings, with your observation and analysis.

Try to make the paper interesting to read.

The paper should include a personality analysis. You can assume that the readers will be familiar with the course material.


• Form a strong thesis statement at the end of your first paragraph.

o Make an interesting, original argument in your thesis statement using class material.

The thesis might be on:

• E.g., The differences in personality between characters in the book, Divergent, and how these differences influence outcomes or relationships between characters.

• Integrate class material into your supporting paragraphs. Try to use multiple sources (e.g., a paragraph using Quiet to back your claim; a paragraph using Dr. Koestner’s lecture on the Big Five; the article on McAdam’s three levels of personality).

Criteria to be used in reviewing the papers:

– Demonstrate good understanding of course material

– Has a distinct and interesting point of view

– Thoughtfully considers complexity of issues. (i.e., anticipates readers contrary questions)

– Links research with observations

– Makes a persuasive case for point of view


– Well-organized

– Uses examples

– Few grammatical, spelling, and word-choice errors.

– Good reference