Ad Comparison to the 1940s or 1950s

Ad Comparison to the 1940s or 1950s

Order Description

Use the readings by Graebner, Coontz, and the opening chapters of Ehrenreich’s The Hearts of Men for this assignment. Select a specific theme found in advertising from this period and craft an argument about the ways in which a contemporary ad repeats and reworks that message. Suggested themes: look for contrasts that may revolve around such opposites as war (public, nationalistic, pragmatic, realistic, etc. although also sentimental) or peace (private, familial, idealistic, etc.); public sphere vs. private/domestic sphere; production vs. consumption; sacrifice/denial vs. hedonism/pleasure, or an emphasis on democracy (equality) vs. an emphasis on freedom (individualism). You might also examine broader themes like the construction of gender (femininity or masculinity), race/ethnicity, the American dream, or the American family.

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