Case Study – Mia

Case Study
You have been assigned to work with the Browns. Their granddaughter, Mia, is a 7-year-
old with a history of behavioral difficulties. Mia came to live with her grandparents at the age of
4, when her father, their son, relinquished custody upon starting a 15-year prison sentence for
felony assault and drug possession. Mia’s biological mother has never been in the picture. Over the
years, Mia has engaged in many externalizing behaviors including, holding her breath until she
passes out, hitting, biting, throwing objects at wall and people, screaming loudly, and running
away in public places and hiding. Her behavior is more prominent at home than at school. At school
she attends a small, specialized, therapeutic
classroom for children with emotional and behavioral disorders. The Browns are supportive of Mia
getting help with her “feelings” at school, but they feel that they have had Mia in their home long
enough to where her behaviors should have subsided. They state they are tired of her tantrums and
that they do not think that she needs any more therapy. They wonder since therapy has been provided this long with no results, why they should believe it is going to work. When you ask what they
mean, they tell you that Mia has had therapeutic services on and off since she was 3. They think
that it should have worked by now.

Discuss how you could use your
clinical skills to garner the support/compliance of family and other professionals participating
in Mia’s treatment in order to engage in a parent skills training program with the Browns. What
resources and educational needs might the participants have? Include a description of how
you would structure your parent skills training program in your response. Use subtitles for each question to ensure all are answered completely .
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