Position Paper (homosexual Marriage)

Here is the Position essay outline about “homosexual marriage” I have done, its very roughly and not good, so you can edit it or change some ideas or “ALL” if you want.

1). What is the issue and what is your conclusion (thesis)?
Should homosexual marriage be legal?
Homosexual marriage should be legal because everyone has a right to be treated in the same way in the same society.

2). List at least four reasons that you will offer as support for your conclusion.
1. Contradicting some people’s rights to marry is unfair and discriminatory, also it will cause a second class of the people (citizens).
2. According to the Constitution, homosexual marriage is protected by a belief which are “ liberty and equality”.
3. Many studies shows that the homosexual parents are good parents.
4. Marriage is connected to mental health and economic benefits, and the banning of homosexual marriage will decrease these benefits.
5. (Please add one more reasons to support the conclusion)

3). List one or more counterarguments that you will address.
1. Gay marriage injuries the institution of “traditional” marriage.
2. The same-sex couples can’t have children.
3. ( Please add one more counterargument)

4). How will you address the counterarguments you have listed?
You do not need to include any of your research or evidence in this post; just give us the basic outline of your argument.
1. “Gay marriage injuries the institution of “traditional marriage”. The right of same-sex couples to get married doesn’t make any changes or bad influences to heterosexual marriages in any ways.
2. “The same-sex couples can’t have children.” People are not getting marry because they want children. What about if heterosexual couples do not want children? So they do not have a right to marry as homosexual couple?
3. (______________)

total 8 sources: 5 reasons and 3 counterarguments


This week you will be researching the issue that you chose to focus on for your upcoming position paper. The focus of this week is information competency or information literacy. Since you will be conducting research and finding information to support your reasoning in your position paper, some of this week’s materials will help you to ascertain how to evaluate the resources that you plan to use in your paper. You will be required to use a minimum of eight sources for your paper. Now this does not mean that you must find eight articles that address the pros and cons of your issue. Let me give you an example: If you are arguing that gay couples should be allowed to adopt, you may do research to find out how many children are in foster care and are eligible for adoption but cannot be placed. That statistic is a piece of research that you may incorporate into your argument and cite. Your research may find statistics, surveys, experts/authorities, or research studies. It is your job as a critical reader and a critical thinker to use sources that you have evaluated as credible, timely, unbiased and reliable.

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The following checklist should help you to stay organized and focused on your online assignments.

Watch: View the presentation titled Information Literacy in a Nutshell

Watch: View the presentation titled Evaluating Websites.

Read: Read Chapter 7, pages 267-313, in your Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing text, “Using Sources.” I have included a Power Point and PDF in the Week 15 folder that highlights the information in this chapter.
Watch: View the rest of the presentations and links in the Week 15 folder. I have included information on a variety of topics to guide you in the research, evaluation, and formatting process. I have also included a link to the Saddleback Library You Tube Channel where you will find informational videos on all of the resources available through the library.

Research your topic by accessing the Saddleback Library databases. When you log on to the site, you will have access to the databases that the library has purchased. Click on the “Library” tab and select Research Tools, then Articles/Journals. Click on General Databases. You will want to explore your issue in the three databases in that section that I have listed below (Opposing Viewpoints in Context, SIRS, and CQ Researcher). When you click on a database, you will be asked for a username and password if you are accessing the database from an off-campus computer.

• Opposing Viewpoints in Context: Search for your issue in this database, and you will have access to viewpoints, academic journals, statistics, images, videos, audio, news, magazines, reference, and websites.

• SIRS: Another excellent source of information. I have included in the Week 15 folder a YouTube explanation about the basics of this site published by a librarian at Saddleback College.

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• CQ Researcher: Another database that lists social issues with pro/con arguments. I have also included a direct link to this database in the Week 15 folder.

Also under Research Tools you will find Research Help; explore this area to see the resources that are available to assist you in putting together your paper.
Read pages 319-325 in your Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing text. These pages contain a sample paper which you can use as the template for your position paper. In addition, access and read the websites that focus on MLA format.
The KnightCite website will generate correct citations for both APA and MLA formats. Click on the format that you are using (MLA) and then select the type of source (book, webpage, magazine, etc.) and a frame will appear into which you can type the relevant information. When you click submit, the reference will be generated for you. You can then cut and paste the entry into your Works Cited page.

Another option is to use NoodleTools provided by the Saddleback College Library. NoodleTools is a bibliographic management tool designed to help you cite your sources correctly in your paper or on a bibliography, works cited, or reference list. A video describing NoodleTools can be found by clicking on the link to the Saddleback Library You Tube Channel. NoodleTools can be found on the Saddleback Library page after clicking on Research Tools, Articles/Journals. It is in the Tool Box at the lower right part of the page.



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To be successful on this paper you will need to include:

A summary of your argument that incorporates the following criteria.
A title: This should be the issue that you have selected.
An introductory paragraph with explanation of the controversy, background information if needed, and your thesis/conclusion (answer to the issue).
Body paragraphs that contain your reasoning and research in support of your thesis/conclusion.
In text citations of at least eight different sources using MLA format.

In addition, your paper must include the following.
Acknowledgement and brief explanation of the opposition’s argument (counterarguments)
A rebuttal that addresses the main points of the opposition’s argument (concession or refutation)
A concluding paragraph that provides closure to your argument. You may want to include possible limitations of your conclusion and/or the conditions under which you might reconsider your conclusion (thesis), and possible next steps to consider regarding this issue.

A final page should list the resources that are cited in your paper.
MLA style reference page listing the sources cited.
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