• Please answer the 2 following questions using these 3 resources:
1) Based on the video on LinkedIn, (watch this video and take from it information)
2) the workshop you have attended ( I wrote some notes from workshop)
– This is place where you talk about skills, abilities, qualifications
– Reason of existence is to connect the world to opportunities, the opportunities is changes for everyone, which are for some people finding job, for some people to promote, for some people doing MBA
– Every second 2 professionals (members) join LinkedIn
– Total number of LinkedIn users more than 350 million users
3) other sources from your own research
*Note: the case answers should be from these 3 resources (you have to mention from where you get the answer) “CITIATION”
• please answer the following two (2) questions:
 Answer each question individually (each one in separate paragraph)
 The answers should be written on one (1) typewritten page
 Single space, Times New Roman, 12 Font.
Use proper citations and references and any other evidence you find appropriate to support your answers.
Do you think that LinkedIn is a successful company or not? Explain your reasoning as to why it is or not?
If you were LinkedIn’s CEO what would you do for the company for the next three years so that it becomes more successful? What would you suggest the company’s future strategies be? Explain in detail.
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