Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair

Task 1
• Using the organisational metaphors of Morgan. Identify one which you think might be applied appropriately to

Virgin Atlantic, and one to Ryanair. How you justify your choices?
• Identify the different demands which might be made of managers to achieve organisational effectiveness in each

business. What are the implications for the role and development of managers in each case?
By carrying out your own research from books, academic journals, online articles and respected websites such as

institutes, government and business-owners websites, prepare an group report addressing the following:

1. Critically evaluates the leadership qualities of both CEO’s of Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair.
2. The individual roles of both founders of Virgin Atlantic and Ryanair. For Example; Personality, Skills and

attributes, Needs and expectations
3. The Group; For example; structure and functions, informal organization, Role relationships, Group influences and

4. The Organisation; For example Objectives and policy, Technology, and methods of work, Formal structure and Styles

of leadership
5. The Environment: For example; Technical and scientific, Economic, Social and Cultural and Government.
6. Satisfying the needs of people at work.
7. Creating an organisational climate in which people work willingly and effectively.
8. Achieving the goals of the organization.
9. Customer Satisfaction

All materials must be properly referenced. Length required is advised above. Longer work will not be penalised. However

it should be noted that a concise and professional style which is well focused and clear in the points being made will

gain good credit. Originality, quality of argument and good structure are required. What Centre wants to see is that you

READ ALSO :   MARK SHEET – Solving problems and making descision

can take a body of theory, understand it, choose what you want from it, apply it in a reasonable fashion and hence

evaluate it.
Your submissions will be expected to demonstrate the following qualities:
1. Answering the central focus of the assignment topic.
2. You must provide some background and justification of your rationale. You will need to make assumptions where

information is not available and this need to be clearly outlined.
3. A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support argument, substantiate model(s) and other

aspects of the assignment.
4. Logical flow of ideas and treatment; imaginative approaches; appropriate
selection of real world factors related to the model(s) or specific assignment topic.
5. Presentation, structure, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness.
6. A clear evaluation of all issues
7. A strong conclusion.
Please ensure that you reference material which you take from text books, published documents, internet etc… in the main

body of your report, at the place you use it, as well as listing the publications in a bibliography. Also, try to

evaluate and critique this material and the experience you get from applying and using it. Such personal critique gains

high reward in postgraduate level work!

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