
Assignment B

Assignment B is a 2000 word evaluative essay on the current place of a specific sport in primary and secondary school

curriculum in England, to its position within the community and in the international arena (50%). This assessment is to

be submitted in Week 15.

Marking Criteria

Your essay should
1. Consider the background to the sport in England – its history and development (15%)
2. Demonstrate understanding of the place and status of the sport in the National Curriculum for primary schools (key

stages 1 and 2) and secondary schools (key stages 3 and 4) and, if relevant, in GCSE O and A level studies. It should

also consider the place of the sport as part of extra curricular provision, and the links between school and post school

sport. (30%)
3. Show understanding of the role of the sport’s governing body, the status of the sport within community programmes, the

participation profile, and other issues and initiatives relevant to the chosen sport (e.g. centres of excellence,

International success, etc.) (35%)
4. Include an overall summarising conclusion (10%)
5. Be written in an appropriate academic style, with an accurate text which is supported by reference to reading, and

include a full bibliography (10%)
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