Communications and Media

First of all this paper will be submitted electronically and will scan by University for plagiarism and wrong references
This is a resit and it is very serious to follow the instructions please

Please read the Bauman’s article several times and fully understand before you make a start
Essay question.
To what extend do you agree with Bauman’s argument that globalization produces increasing polarisation? What part do the

media and culture industries play in this process? Develop and example to illustrate your argument
Essay instructions.

• Stick to the essay question to write fully researched critical essay

• Please make sure to write in academic style wit correct grammar spelling and punctuation

• Don’t be too general focus on the essay question throughout the essay

• Please try to have at least 3 to 4 direct quotations from Bauman’s articles provided but each quotation must be put

between quotation marks “ “
• You must reference the texts properly. You should provide brief quotations
from the extracts in support of your account, and these must be referenced
fully, as follows: (Bauman 2006: 45) including the gape number. And use bibliography references at the end. Used 4 to 5

direct quotations.

• essay structure : Introduction,(include what you essay is about 200 words ). Essay critical arguments and including

example , and Conclusion (highlight the main point discussed).

• Avoid complicated and unclear sentences or paragraphs
Always focus on the essay question during the argument
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