Developing a Case Study

Since case studies are commonly used in the performance psychology field. It is helpful to practice the skill of case

study analysis for application in the workplace. This analysis includes discerning the critical factors in a case that

will become the basis for creating an intervention plan for the performer. In this assignment you will synthesize sources

to describe a fictitious case in your preferred area of performance psychology (Mental Health Field). The case you

describe should be relevant to your professional goals and include a clear description of the problem. Your focus will be

on the problem and the information in the case. You will construct your own intervention plan for the case in a

subsequent assignment.

(Mental Health Field is the area of job workplace interest for case study)

A description of the central issue/problem of the case is thoroughly presented with rich detail and includes a discussion

of all necessary elements. The description is firmly grounded in current and/or seminal research.

A description of the constraints surrounding the issue/problem is present, thorough, and well-detailed. It is well

supported with current and/or seminal research.

A description of the critical factors in the case is present, thorough, and well-detailed. The description is well

supported with current and/or seminal research.

A description of the theoretical framework that should be used to conceptualize the case is present, thorough, and

well-detailed in its consideration of emotion, cognition, and behavior in performance settings. The description is well

supported with current and/or seminal research.

An initial needs assessment is present, thorough, and well-detailed. The assessment is well supported with current and/or

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seminal research.

Write an essay in which you synthesize sources to describe a case in your preferred area of performance psychology. Your

research-based description should include the following:

1 The central issue/problem of the case.
2 The constraints surrounding the issue/problem.
3 The critical factors in the case.
The theoretical framework that should be used to conceptualize the case. The framework should consider emotion,

cognition, and behavior in performance settings. An initial needs assessment.

All names and personally identifying information of individuals synthesized to create the fictitious case must be removed

or replaced in the case description to prevent identification of any specific individual.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one

in-text citation from each source be included.

Use APA style for their writing assignments

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement

makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are

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