Novice to expert theory analysis

Theory: Novice to expert by Patricia Benner
Analyze the applicability of the theory
A) structure
Explicitly and Implicitly describe concepts including the four metaparagigms of nursing.
Discuss concept relationships
Describe capability of concept relationships to explain or predict outcomes of application of the theory
B) Clarity
Specific or vague definitions of each concept, subconcept, and concept relationship
Presence/Absence of coined words and definitions if any
Gaps and ambiguity in the structure or application of the theory
Goodness of fit of all concepts within the theory
C) Complexity
Number of concepts, subconcepts in the theory
Primary outcomes of the theory application
D) Generality
Specific or general purpose of the theory
Narrow or broad definitions of some key terms
E) Strengths and weaknesses
Type of research studies completed to test application of the theory
Identify cases where theory is applicable and vice versa
F) Connection between author’s background and events of time in history when the theory was developed.
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