Abolition of slavery

How did the Enlightenment contribute toward the abolition of slavery?

A minimum 1500 words (5 full pages) and must include 8 end/footnotes minimum. Don’t forget to use your F/S text and the

Hale reading as a background source! Please include standard academic apparatus such as 1” margins, pagination, and

foot/endnotes, bibliography (don’t bother with cover sheets).

you MUST use at least three substantive primary sources for each one (aside from c). You are not limited to the sources

we cover in class. Use Frankforter, Daniel, & William Spellman, The West: A Narrative History, Vol. 2- since 1400; 3rd

ed. (Prentice-Hall/Pearson, 2012) as one of the sources. Three primary sources mentioned in text can be the other three

sources if relevant.

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