Literature Review

National Survey of Student Engagement, 2010 Results. Major Differences: Examining Student Engagement by Field of Study

Monograph Reviews: The objective is for you to identify:
 What you learned from the monograph?
 What are the major ideas that the report is attempting to communicate?
 How well did the report communicate those ideas?
 What changes in current practice (if any) does the report advocate for?
 What are the reports flaws?
 Do you agree with what this document concludes?
 What ideas for additional inquiry are likely, based upon this report?
 How is this report likely to influence your practice as a Higher Education professional now and in the future?

It is important you connect your report with the material covered in the texts, and draw out comparisons, analogies and

examples with a well-developed narrative. monograph review is to be a minimum of 1500 words in APA format. The monograph

reviews are to be double spaced, and include a title page, abstract, and bibliography.

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References to be utilized
Diamond, R. (2002). Field Guide to Academic Leadership: A Publication of the National Academy for Academic Leadership.

San Francisco, CA: Jossey- Bass.

Bastedo, M. (2012). The Organization of Higher Education: Managing Colleges for a New Era. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins

University Press.
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