Film “Eva Peron” directed by Juan Carlos Desanzo

In your discussion comparing the film version and the “real” history, pay some attention to how the history of the

period, place, persons, etc. .is handled in the film – is there a significant time compression, are the events dramatized

greatly in comparison to the way they are portrayed in the written historical works, are they “distorted” for dramatic or

political reasons, are characters added or subtracted from the film version, etc.? You may wish to allude not only to the

actual history, characters, settings, periods, etc., but to the cinematic elements in the movie version– that is, the

way the story is narrated, the way it is filmed or edited )for example, what shots are used and how they are edited

together to create effects or emotional reactions), the way the actors are directed, the way color, music, lighting,

camera angles, or other elements are employed, and so forth. Finally, you should offer some opinion- and the reasons

behind it–as to whether the film version is “accurate” or not, and if not, why not.

An example — if you were to write about “Camila,” do some reading about Argentina in the period of the dictator Juan

Manuel de Rosas. You should not use any sources available online, except perhaps for things such as journal articles

downloaded from databases like J-Stor. This is primarily a library assignment, so go to the library. You should find AT

LEAST three sources — journal aritcles, books, chapters in multi-authored works, etc — relating to the historical peiod

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of the film, read the sources, and discuss how the film version of the historical incident, personage, period,etc.,

relates to the actual history as written about in your sources.
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