Systems Development Quality and Use Cases

The purpose of SLP 5 is to get acquainted with a third modeling technique and use the output model to document the system

and train users. Structure process and data models were introduced in previous modules.

Object-oriented systems analysis and design have adopted the concept of Use Cases to analyze processes and data and

corresponding behaviors. Use Cases are a representation of an individual actor (user or entity) interfacing with a

system. For example, selling a product to a customer can be represented with two actors, the customer and the seller, if

the transaction is face-to-face. In online systems the seller is the online store, and it is redefined as the purchasing

database system. Use Cases are specified through UML (Unified Modeling Language) notations and written scripts. For the

time being, your main concern should be expressing Use Cases in a clear and easily-understood write-up, so that others

can interpret them. The following sites provide information on Use Cases.

Search Software Quality. (2012). Use case definition. Retrieved from

Sparx Systems (2012). The use case model. Retrieved from and

GatherSpace. (2012). Writing effective use cases and user story examples. Retrieved from

SLP Assignment

For the SLP, you will be describing the assignment as a scripted Use Case and not as a UML notation. Please complete the

Use Case Template as noted in the following website under pages 1-3 and up to the Main scenario section in page 3. You do

not need to complete extensions, variations and special requirements in pages 3-5. Select the Microsoft Word format “Use

READ ALSO :   Assessment 2: Phase Progress Report

Case Template” to download the template.

Tecno Solutions. (2012). Use case templates. Retrieved from

Provide a Use Case detailed description for the following user and system interactions. For this assignment the customer

is the “actor” and Amazon database is the system.

Create a Use Case for a customer searching for the availability of products wishing to purchase such as books,

music, apps for Android, and digital games. The customer will also place an order for the multiple items via the Amazon

screen for “add to cart” and “add to wish list” options.

General guidelines for writing cases include:
•Segment the Use Case into separate activities and number the step.
•Show alternative courses of action or events separately (i.e., system steps when phone is busy or customer enters an

invalid ID).

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria:
•Complete the Use Case Template and include a cover page with the assignment.

The essay will be graded on these requirements
•Precision: the question asked is answered.
•Clarity: Your answer is clear and shows your good understanding of the topic.
•Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your answer is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the

learning objectives of the module.
•Critical thinking: Incorporate your reactions, examples, and applications of the material to business that illustrate

your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.
•Your short essay is well written and the references are properly cited and listed.
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