What can human teeth tell us about dietary preference about our ancestors before the human evolution?

Your task in this assignment is to choose a topic and to find two articles on that topic. You must make a comparison of

the two articles. Naturally, it would be helpful to find two different perspectives about the same topic so that the

opposition between the two viewpoints is easily recognised. This assignment must be a minimum of four pages in length,

double-spaced (1,000 words). Both articles must be cleared by me first.
Comment on differing opinions or findings on the same topic. Try to identify why it is the authors differ in their

opinions about the same topic. It could also be a pair of articles that take two different approaches to finding out

about the same topic. Perhaps one author or team of authors has taken a microscopic approach to learning about some

aspect of physical anthropology while another author or team of authors has taken a macroscopic approach to learning

about the same phenomenon. Note the similarities and differences in their approaches and their independent results. Do

the results confirm or contrast with one another?

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