Employment equality or inequality

The employment data as shown below come from 2000 and 2010 censuses. You are asked to use
the data to answer the following questions.

Census Employment Data 2000&2010 by Residential Area

Unemployed m-
Armed Force
Not in Labor
1. Replicate the data into an Excel spreadsheet. Now compute percentage for each of the
employment brackets by year and residential area in San Antonio (note that the total should be
used as your denominator). Attach a copy of the created excel spreadsheet.

2. Use the percentages you computed in l to create a bar chart for the four employment groups of
the East Side, West Side, South Side, and Leon Valley, respectively, by year 2000 and 2010
(separate charts are acceptable but difficult to use for the questions shown below). In addition,
label each bar to identify the residential area, year, employment category and the percentile value
for that specific bar.

3. Use the percentages and bar charts you created in l and 2, identify and report which
residential area, using all four employment brackets, has the most employed respondents, by
percentage, in San Antonio in 2000 and 2010, respectively (one sentence).

4a. Use the percentages from 1 and 2 to determine which employment category has the largest
increase or decrease between 2000 and 2010 for each of the four residential areas.

4b. In a few sentences summarize employment changes overtime from 2000 to 2010 as identified
in 4a for all four residential areas.

5. Write a small paragraph (less than 10 sentences) to discuss if there is an employment
inequality in San Antonio by residential area, and whether or not this inequality has improved or
worsened over the 10 year span. Be sure to use numerical values to support your arguments.

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