Computer science

1. For any common company, large or small, how would GPO impact your OU design and what kinds of things are in place to make sure things you set in policy in one OU do not affect another?

2. There are 2 categories Group Policy can control, User objects and Computer objects. For each type, what do think are the most important or useful settings you can make and why did you select that?

3. Group Policy has the ability to deploy and control applications within an organization. To lock down an environment regarding software execution you can enforce using 3 methods, Unrestricted, Disallowed and Basic User. In what scenario do you think it would be appropriate to use each of this three methods and why?

4. The rules you can use include Hash, Certificate, Path and Network Zone. What do you think the pro’s and con’s are for each kind of rule?

5. Discuss your research on the following blog:

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