The Great Depression

General Requirements:

1. You must select the topic in consultation with the instructor before the date specified in the syllabus. This ensures that you will both make a prompt start and have a workable topic. In the past, students have proposed topics that combine the subject of their major with local events or situations. Thus, a pre-law student wrote a paper entitled “The Travis County Bar in 1900” while a nursing student completed a paper on “The History of Brackinridge Hospital.” Engineering enthusiasts turned in papers on “The History of the Lower Colorado River Authority” and “The History of the Texas Highway Program, 1950-1980.” Business students have researched both individual businesses and businessmen from an historical perspective. The whole idea is to involve you in an area of interest that will also benefit you in your chosen career path and, at the sane time, have sources of information readily available to you.

2. The paper will be approximately 1750 to 2000 words long. This translates into seven or eight double-spaced, typewritten or word-processed pages. Exceptions to these limits must be approved by the instructor before the paper is submitted.

3. The term paper must include at least THREE PRIMARY sources and FOUR SECONDARY sources. A primary source is something written by an individual who lived at the time and took part in the event that he or she is describing. Primary sources usually take the form of letters, diaries, journals, newspapers, government documents, and autobiographies. Secondary sources are books and articles written at a later time, usually by historians who were not participants in the event. No term paper will be accepted unless it contains the requisite number of primary and secondary sources. If you have any questions about a source, ask the instructor.

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4. Consult the instructor for direction in finding your sources. Austin has numerous libraries and depositories including The University of Texas General Libraries, the Benson Latin American Collection, the Barker Texas History Center, the Travis County Collection of the Austin Public Library, the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, and many others in addition to the resources available at ACC. Your instructor will be most helpful in guiding you to the appropriate sources.

5. Footnotes are required in the term paper. The preferred form for footnotes is found in Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations located in the ACC libraries. If you desire to use another form for your footnotes, you must receive prior permission from the instructor. Footnotes are mandatory for both direct quotations AND information you use from other sources.

6. An annotated bibliography is also required. The form can be found in Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term papers, Theses, and Dissertations. The purpose of annotating your bibliography is to explain not only the contents of the source but also its value to you in preparing the paper.

7. The term paper must be typed, doubled-spaced on standard letter-sized, white paper with margins approximately one inch on all sides. Several ACC campuses have LRS Computer Centers that encourage the student to use Apple and IBM microcomputers to word process their papers. Thus, you may learn word processing at the same time you complete your term paper.

8. Any form of scholastic dishonesty, especially plagerism, in the production of this paper or in any other part of the course will NOT be tolerated! Any student committing any form of scholastic dishonesty in this course will automatically receive the grade of “F” in the course and be reported to ACC authorities for further disciplinary action.

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9 If you have any questions concerning the term paper at any point in the process, be sure to contact the instructor.
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