quality supplay chain managment

.Supply chain processes
What are the strategies used by the firm as part of their SCM (i.e. cost leadership, differentiation, focus)? Justify your answer by providing examples from the company’s practices.
1. Explain the different primary SC processes according to the SCOR model. How does the SCOR model help create a common vision for the company. Provide examples.
2. Describe the order fulfillment processes within the company, using SCOR model elements.
3. Describe the sourcing processes in the company practices (supplier selection, transaction management, relationship management, communication management).
4. Explain how the operations managementand logisticsdecisions are affecting the company’s SC.
5. How is the firm organizing its functional (departmental) goals? Are these goals aligned with the company’s strategy? Why or why not? (Show how the company is implementing its supply chain strategy in specific processes of purchasing, production, logistics and information.)

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