Human Resources Management (HRM)

As you know the articles for this course are broken down into 6 parts (topical areas). The main purpose of this assignment is to have you use some of these articles for various HR initiatives that are relevant to your workplaces. To accomplish this goal you need to do the following:
1) For each of the 6 parts identify ONE or TWO articles that you believe are relevant to an organization that you work (or have worked) for. Please note you must select at least one article per part, but you cannot do more than two articles per part. By the end of this course you will have selected a total of TEN articles for this assignment. Thus, for two parts you will select only one article for this assignment.
2) For each selected article your first paragraph will be a brief summary (about 3 or 4 sentences) of that article.
3) The next paragraph will be a description of the HR initiative (e.g., new policy, revised procedure, additional benefit regarding…) that is relevant to the selected article. In this paragraph please indicate why this initiative will benefit your current or former organization (what problem/issue will this initiative address).
4) In the third paragraph identify the implementation challenges you anticipate to your HR initiative. For example will your initiative cost the company money in any way? How much? Do you expect resistance to your initiative from any particular individual or group? If yes, why? How much time might it take to get people on board with your idea or to get your idea up and running? Will there be any structural changes needed to the company (e.g., division of labor, supervisory changes, revisions to labor agreements)?
5) The final paragraph should describe how you would evaluate your initiative. What criteria will be looked at to see if your initiative was effective? How much time after implementation should this data be collected? Who should do this assessment?
In summary, you are writing four paragraphs on each of the 10 articles you select. Each article analysis should not exceed TWO double-spaced pages. Each article analysis will be scored on a 10-point scale with a “10” indicating:

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