Principles of Financial Management

Analysis of Financial Statements:

Your Project document (PowerPoint) should include:
1. Introduction (2 slides)
This part should be a short description of the company you are going to analyze. You can mention the objective of the company, the industry, latest news and a brief history. The introduction should be no longer than two slides.
2. Common size financial statements (2 slides)
Write a short summary of the three main financial statements: Balance sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement for the last two years. You should include common size balance sheet and income statement. Focus on performance of net income, dividend payments,
asset size, shares outstanding and the market price of the share.

3. Conclusion (one slide)
General conclusions about the company. Do you think it is performing at optimum? Does this company improve their situation during last two years? Is it ahead of its competitor/industry? What changes would you recommend?
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