
Directions: Read and respond in the following format to a self-selected chapter from our assigned textbook. (Caldweel, J.(2014). Reading assessment: A primer for teachers in the common core era. NY:Guilford.)
Summary: write down a brief summary of your reading and some personal reactions.
Connections: What personal connections did you make with the text? ( self, school, world, other texts) Identify specific quotes from the text that helped you make a connection. These sections jumped out as your read (important, puzzling, well- written, controversial, or striking in some way). Share these lines and your reactions with your group. Make a minimum of 5 connections (You may present this section as a double entry- see below)

Quote from the text:

Describe and reflect on the connection made to the text (quote).
Questions: What questions does this piece raise?

How can you see using this new information in your teaching?
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