Texas and Pennsylvania electric companies

Introduction: In recent years, many states have been deregulating electricity prices, with the claim that it will cost less with greater competition. The other evening, I was talking with my brother that lives in Texas; he noticed that his electricity rate was ~12¢/kWh, much higher than he thought it should be, so he called the electricity company.

Background: Texas had deregulated electricity 10 years ago, but as is typical of a consumer (like myself) that doesn’t read junk mail, he didn’t read many of the different flyers coming out that suggested switching to other companies. In talking to the electric company, he was told that he was sent letters letting him know that he would be put on a plan that was at a higher rate. My younger brother is quite proactive at telling companies what he thinks when he thinks he’s in the right and they are wrong – and he got them to put him on a plan that was for 5¢/kWh. They were suggesting that he could pay a higher rate if he wanted 100% wind energy, but even though he wants to be environmentally careful, he wasn’t going to pay more money to be an environmentalist, and frankly, how could they deliver 100% wind energy if wind doesn’t blow 100% of the time?

Pennsylvania deregulated its electricity market a year ago. Do you know what the local rates are? Are they selling renewable energy at a different rate than the average electricity? What are the electricity costs in our area?

Assignment: For your take home exam, I would like for you to do the following small research project.

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1. Look up the website for Texas: http://www.powertochoose.org/

a. Click on compare rates and type in the following zip code: 75023

b. Fill in the table below with the following information: Avg Price/kWh, Rate Type, Renewable Energy Content, Term (months), and Cancellation Fee. Do this for four companies, one with the one of the lowest prices, one with one of the highest prices, and two in between.

c. Investigate at least one of the companies that have some “renewable” electricity available. Find out what the “renewable” is that’s being used, any details not included in the chart available (i.e., if the price is an introductory price that will be raised after a certain amount of time), and any other details that might not be obvious to the consumer when checking out rates.

d. Write a commentary on what you think would be the best company to choose on your list and why you would choose it. Also discuss any kind of “shady” deals that might be being offered.

Information for Texas Electricity Companies should be listed in a table with the following information provided:

Co. Name, Avg Price/kWh,Rate Type, Renewable Energy Content, Term (months), Cancellation Fee.

2. Now do the same thing for Pennsylvania using the website http://www.papowerswitch.com/shop-for-electricity/

a. Click on compare rates and type in the following zip code: 16803

b. Fill in the table below with the following information: Avg Price/kWh, Rate Type, Renewable Energy Content, Term (months), and Cancellation Fee. Do this for four companies, one with the one of the lowest prices, one with one of the highest prices, and two in between.

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c. Investigate at least one of the companies that have some “renewable” electricity available. Find out what the “renewable” is that’s being used, any details not included in the chart available (i.e., if the price is an introductory price that will be raised after a certain amount of time), and any other details that might not be obvious to the consumer when checking out rates.

d. Write a commentary on what you think would be the best company to choose on your list and why you would choose it. Also discuss any kind of “shady” deals that might be being offered.

Information for Pennsylvania Electricity Companies should be listed in a table with the following information provided:

Co. Name, Avg Price/kWh,Rate Type, Renewable Energy Content, Term (months), Cancellation Fee.

3. Compare the data for Texas and Pennsylvania – keep in mind that the zip code for Texas is for a major metropolitan area and the zip code for Pennsylvania is in our area, which is significantly more rural. Look up information in the area where you are from, look up one company and see how it compares. If you are from out of state and the electricity is not deregulated, then use the data available in PA.

4. This is a short project. Write it up in a paper format, with a title, introduction, and conclusions.

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